Michael J. Klug, Senior Advisor of the NHLP Resource Center, received his law degree from the University of Wisconsin School of Law.
He has extensive expertise with respect to Medicare coverage and benefits and other issues related to the access of older individuals and individuals with disabilities to health services. He also has extensive experience in developing education and training materials, curricula and programs.
He currently is the Senior Program Director for Training at the Health Assistance Partnership (HAP) which supports the State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) as they counsel and assist people with Medicare and their families. Prior to his position with HAP, he was Project Director and Training Coordinator for the Heartland Medicare Help Project in Kansas City, Missouri. He also has held several positions with AARP at the state, regional, and national levels including Associate Director for the AARP Kansas-Missouri State Office, Health Representative for the AARP Area 6 Office, Senior Program Specialist for AARP Health Advocacy Services and Program Specialist for AARP Consumer Affairs.